What should you look for when you're searching for the best collagen peptide supplement? Don't be afraid to admit that you don't know the answer. You're certainly not alone.
Most of us know how to pick a perfect peach out of a bin in the store. We know what to seek out when we're choosing a new pair of jeans. We may even know just what separates a good computer from a bad one. But collagen peptides? We may feel lucky to even know what they are. Understanding what makes one ideal might be out of our comfort zone. Here's a quick checklist.
The best collagen supplement:
- Is NSF® certified.
- Has been tested for strength.
- Comes from grass-fed sources.
- Contains bioavailability agents.
- Has no artificial flavors or colors.
1) Collagen Supplements Should Be Manufactured in NSF® Certified Facility

Collagen peptide supplements come in powdered form. It's hard to know what that powder is made of. You can't examine it with the naked eye and know if it contains substances you'd rather not eat.
Enter NSF® International, founded in 1944 NSF® is an independent, accredited organization that audits, tests and certify products and manufacturers. Products that carry the NSF® certification undergo extensive testing and material analyses, every aspect of a product's development is thoroughly evaluated before it can earn an NSF® certification.
Products that are GMP certified, aren't inspected, tested or heavily regulated. A manufacturer in their basement can be GMP certified. To obtain NSF® certification a manufacturer and its products have to undergo continued rigorous testing, auditing and analysis. The NSF® badge is not easily obtained and thus you should look for products manufactured in NSF® certified facilities.
2) Collagen Supplements Should Be Tested For Strength
Manufacturers of prescription medications must submit samples of their products to laboratories for testing. In those labs, professionals ensure that the products contain only the ingredients they should contain and that the products match the potency listed on the product label.
Manufacturers of dietary supplements, including collagen peptides, aren't required to follow these procedures. That means they can say almost anything about potency on their product labels. No one is required to certify that the labels are accurate.
A good collagen peptide supplement has been tested by a laboratory for potency, and it comes with a certification that the product meets those potency levels. Exceptional manufacturers know their customers demand a quality product, and they'll do the testing required to demonstrate quality.
3) Collagen Supplements Should Come from Grass-Fed Sources
Collagen peptide supplements are generated from meat sources. Some are made with fish products, but most come from beef. It's vital that the beef is grass-fed.
The American Grassfed Association reports that certified producers sell meat products that come from animals that:
- Were fed with grass only, from the time they're weaned onward
- Were not confined to a feedlot
- Were not treated with either growth hormones or antibiotics
- Were born and raised in America
Products that don't come from grass-fed sources could be pumped with antibiotics and chemicals, and they may have been raised eating ground-up meat products and other diets that just aren't appropriate.
4) Collagen Peptide Supplements Should Contain Bioavailability Agents
Collagen peptide supplements are taken orally, and they have to move from the digestive tract to the places where they are needed most. The sooner they can move through the tract, the quicker they can go to work. And if they're not digested properly, they will simply move through the body without being fully absorbed.
Bioavailability ingredients help to ensure that the collagen within the supplement can be digested and utilized. This is an ingredient that can help to protect your investment in a supplement.
5) Collagen Peptide Supplements Should Have No Artificial Flavors or Colors
The fine powder of a collagen peptide supplement is perfect for sprinkling into coffee or tea. It can also be added to casseroles, sprinkled in smoothies, or stirred into soups. It shouldn't add any flavor or texture. It should be practically invisible.
Unfortunately, some producers add colors and flavors to their supplements, forcing their buyers to make peptide-only drinks. This can limit how much you take in, as you'll need to leave room in your diet for the other foods and drinks you enjoy.
In addition, these ingredients simply aren't necessary. They're a source of added chemicals to the diet, but they add no real benefit.
What's the Best Collagen Peptide Supplement for You?
We may be biased, but we believe our collagen powder is exceptional. It comes from grass-fed, pasture raised, NON-GMO cows and it includes a digestive enzyme blend for added absorption. We'd love for you to try it.